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Comedy about Art, Miha Firšt
18. 06. 2022
Galerija Slovenj Gradec

On Saturday, June 18, 2022, on Summer Museum Night, at 7 PM we invite you to the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška for a one-man comedy with Miha Firšt entitled Comedy about Art.
Did you know that Mark Twain is the inventor of the bra clasp? That Tolstoy described his most famous novel as “verbal garbage”, and that we only take opera seriously by mistake?

The Comedy about Art develops the thesis that a successful entry into the world of often “inaccessible” serious art does not require theoretical knowledge of the history or morphology of artistic expression, but only a signle encounter with a truly fascinating work of art that captivates and convinces someone that art can be one of the fundamental components of a quality and fulfilled life. The play presents interesting and outstanding works in an openly “stand-up” manner, it analyses art from different perspectives and often immediately tests theories experimentally. By no means does it manage to deal with the chosen topic comprehensively, in several places it contradicts itself and does not arrive at any conclusions, but it poses a whole series of questions. Isn’t that what art does?

Text and acting: Miha Firšt
Director: Kristian Koželj
Scenography: Matija Kovač
Production: Hiša culture Celje
Media support: Koroški radio
Free admission.

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