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28. 09. 2022 - 23. 10. 2022

>> The exhibition opening will take place on Wedneseday, 28 September 2022, at 6 PM in at the small border crossing Libeliče.

>> Curator: Nina Popič

>> Visiting the exhibition is possible by appointment (Adrijan Zalesnik 031 375 442, Nataša Knez 031 308 945, Irma Knez 041 375 192)

Artists: Nika Autor, Boris Beja, Vesna Bukovec, Jošt Franko, Jure Markota, Mark Požlep


The exhibition Interspace was designed for the 100th anniversary of the annexation of Libeliče to the motherland.

The exhibition was created as part of the project “Carinthia 100 years later”.

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“The investment is co-financed by the European Union from the European Fund for Regional Development and the Republic of Slovenia”.

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