>> On display from June 16 until March 14 2021 at KGLU and Center for Contemporary Arts Celje
>> Curators: Maja Antončič and Andreja Hribernik
Artists: Tara Najd Ahmadi, Nika Autor, Boris Beja, Ibro Hasanović, Maja Hodošček, IRWIN, Damjan Kozole, Jošt Franko, Mark Požlep
As a prologue to the international exhibition project that will be realised in 2021, a series of solo shows and events will be carried out in 2020 at KGLU and CSU.
16. 6.–31. 8. 2020, various locations: Celje, Slovenj Gradec
IRWIN: Država v času/State in Time, 2010, billboard
26. 6.–8. 10. 2020, KGLU, Slovenj Gradec
BORIS BEJA, Na meji: @srcozlom / On the Border: @heartbreak, exhibition
BORIS BEJA, Hundred Flames: @srcozlom, performans
9. 7. 2020, 19.00, CSU Celje, Mestni kino Metropol
BORDERLINES – short film night
Ibro Hasanović: Note on Multitude, BiH, 2015, 7′ 43” / Damjan Kozole: Meje/Borders, SI, 2016, 10′ / Nika Autor: Obzornik 62 – Družina in delavec/Newsreel 62 – Family and Worker, SI, 2015/2019, 29′ / Tara Najd Ahmadi: Teden z Azar/Week with Azar (Yek haftehba azar), Iran / SI / ZDA, 2018, 11′ / Mark Požlep: Otok/Island, SI, 2020, 8′ 16”
20. 8. 2020, 20.00, CSU Celje, Galerija sodobne umetnosti
MARK POŽLEP: Southwind, documentary performance
8. 9.–4. 10. 2020, Kresija Gallery
JOŠT FRANKO, Nicht Fallen, exhibition
20. 10.–28. 2. 2021, KGLU, Slovenj Gradec
MAJA HODOŠČEK, Preenostavno in prelahko / Too Simple and Too Easy, exhibition
4. 11. and 5. 11. 2020, 14.00-17.00, CSU Celje, Galerija sodobne umetnosti [POSTPONED]
MAJA HODOŠČEK: Preenostavno in prelahko je ločiti svet na dvoje, experimental workshop for youth