For 2018, we at the Koroška Gallery of Fine Arts conceived the Our Gallery programme, through which we will offer unemployed people, especially the older ones, the long-term unemployed, persons with lower levels of education or those in the process of losing their job, the possibility of integration and cooperation. The project is funded by the EU from the European Social Fund and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Slovenia. The project is conducted in the framework of the Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy in the Period 2014–2020.
Under the guidance of the gallery’s expert staff, the work on the project will provide the included users with training and education in various fields such as archiving, documentation, restoration, work in the framework of educational and creative workshops for adults and children, visitor information, promotion and the conception of new educational content. The included users will thus help refresh the gallery’s premises and its programme, while gaining new competencies and references that will help them improve their employment opportunities in the field of culture.
With the project, we want to follow even more intensely the goals of our gallery programme to ensure an encouraging creative and a quality work environment. We would like to present our rich gallery programme to the broadest circle of visitors possible and further develop our cultural activities.