Skirutýtė Aldona
Skirutýtė Aldona (17 May 1932 Šiauliai – 1 Nov 2005 Vilnius), Lithuanian graphic artist, graduated from the State Art Institute of Lithuania in 1957. She was a teacher there between 1962 and 1964. From 1961, she participated in exhibitions in Lithuania and abroad, receiving many important international awards for her prints. She also engaged in illustration. She belonged to the generation of Lithuanian artist who started their artistic journey in the late ‘50s of the past century and created a number of prints with motifs from folk songs and tales. Their characteristic feature were the modernist, expressive and decorative interpretations of folk art, while the latter’s decorative elements represented the foundations for the artists’ personal expressive style. Skirutýtė Aldona’s world of motifs contained the subjects of peace, work, nature, and motherhood, through which she depicted symbolic images of her country.