Works on paper

Works on paper represent an important part of the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška (KGLU) collection. Most of the works on paper from the collection were created in the second half of the 20th century, however, the collection also contains works from the late 19th and early 20th century. From that period, the Museum keeps drawings and sketchbooks of Oskar von Pistor as well as drawings and a portfolio of prints by Franjo Golob. A large share of artworks on paper from the Museum’s collection consists of prints by artists from all continents, donated during international exhibitions that were organized in the KGLU under the auspices of the UN with the aim of promoting the humanistic values of peace and friendship among nations. Alongside prints by Victor Vasarely, Johnny Friedlaender, Arthur Luiz Piza and Ossip Zadkine, the collection also includes works by noteworthy artists from other continents, as well as all of the most important representatives of the Ljubljana Graphic School, who are represented with individual folios. During the ‘90s in the past century, prints and drawings were supplemented by photographs, although these still form a smaller part of the entire collection. The works on paper in the KGLU’s collection are made using different techniques and in various historical styles; they are typically not merely sketches or studies made prior to realization in another medium – due to their lyricism, message and expression, most of these works represent autonomous artistic entities. The collection is not completed, but constantly enriched with new works of current artistic production in line with the KGLU’s collection policy.

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