The specificity of the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška’s collection of prints is rooted mainly in the history of the institution, in which a key role was that of international exhibitions under the auspices of the UN, organized in the Museum in the ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s in the 20th century. Many participating artists from all continents decided to donate their works to the Museum, in support of the humanist ideals of peace and friendship among nations that were promoted by the exhibitions. Among the works donated, the largest share consisted of prints. Besides the artist renowned in the West, such as Victor Vasarely, Johnny Friedlaender, Arthur Luiz Piza and Ossip Zadkine, many important artists from other continents also donated their print works: from Asia, Africa and South America, but also from Eastern European countries and all the republics of the former Yugoslavia. All of the most important representatives of the Ljubljana Graphic School, who, besides attending the international exhibitions, also participated in the Museum’s other exhibitions, are represented in the collection with individual prints. The Museum’s collections of prints is also being updated with works by contemporary artists.
Text: Katarina Hergold Germ