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Centre of the World under the Stars: Concert by TiTiTi
02. 09. 2022
Galerija Slovenj Gradec

On Friday, 2 September 2022, at 8 PM, we invite you to the atrium of the Čajnica Peč teahouse for a concert by the trio TiTiTi, Jure Boršič and Vid and Jošt Drašler, who dedicated their debut album to the painter Jože Tisnikar. We named the joint event of the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška, the Carinthian Regional Museum and Čajnuca Peč the Center of the World under the Stars, with the hope that it would become a traditional event.

The band consists of the Drašler brothers, who are in charge of the rhythm section with drums and double bass, and Jure Boršič with alto saxophone and clarinet. We have already heard the musicians individually or in all possible combinations in the bands Zmajev rep, Balžalorsky/Drašler, All Strings Detached, Kombo Zlatka Kaučiča, Oholo!.

The album Štafelaj is dedicated to the painter Jože Tisnikar, whose fans are all three members of the band. This is evidenced by their name, which comes from the song Tisnikar by Tomislav Vrečar, more precisely from the repeated syllable “Ti-Ti-Ti-Ti-Tisnikar”. The inspiration for the idea of the album’s title, Štafelaj (Easel), was a visit to Tisnikar’s exhibition, where the unfinished painting Musicians was also exhibited. The painting can also be found on the cover of the album designed by Matej Stupica.

In case of bad weather, we will inform you about the new date of the event.

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