>> On display from 16 to 25 September 2022.
46 elementary schools and institutions from all over Slovenia participated in this year’s 30th contest for original children’s artistic and literary work and photography. Each year, three topics related to current social issues are announced, and at least one of them is related to the theme of the international year, which is declared by the General Assembly of the United Nations. The year 2022 was declared by the United Nations General Assembly to be the International Year of Glass, the International Year of Fishing and Fish Farming, and the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development, which all three announced themes are related to, namely: Can you grant my wish?, Mirror, mirror and The path forward.
The jury that selected the children’s works of art included in the exhibition and this year’s award winners consisted of academic painter Monika Plemen and curators Katarina Hergold Germ and Nina Popič from the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška. In the evaluation, they took into account the criteria of the appropriateness of the motif to the announced themes or the ability to interpret the chosen theme, the originality of the artistic work, and the excellence of the chosen art technique. The jury awarded four equivalent prizes at the lower educational level and six equivalent prizes at the higher level, and 505 works were selected for the exhibition.
127 photos were also submitted for the contest, 7 of which were awarded, and were chosen by photographers Tomo Jeseničnik and Primož Podjavoršek. The jury for literary works consisted of Slovenian professors Nada Žunec, Saša Polanc and Klavdija Kotnik and awarded 10 prizes. The awarded and selected literary works will be published in the catalogue that will be published at the time of the exhibition, while selected and awarded children’s art works and photographs will be on display from 16 to 25September at the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška.
The opening of the exhibition will take place as part of the Peace Festival on 16 September at 11 AM in the Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška.